
How to increase reply rates up to 15%

We analyzed millions of cold outreach campaigns to find the best email length that books meetings. Here's what we found out 👇

The best cold email length is about 120 words. This word count got the highest average booking rates of millions of campaigns, at around 50%.

But you can go a little over or under - the sweet spot is 75-125 words. This range gets 5-15% higher reply rates than longer or shorter emails.

It also matters how you write the message. Sending long paragraphs makes it harder for prospects to read your message, even if you've optimized the number of words.

A good way to measure readability is by number of lines. The best click-through rates come from emails with about 20 lines, including line breaks.

Here’s an example of a cold sales email that has not been optimized for readability:

The text is long and hard to read. Prospects have to screen through a block of text to understand.

Here’s that same email, optimized for length and formatting:

Both of these emails have the same number of words. But the second is clearer, easier to read, and more likely to get a response.

Stay concise and break up the text of your emails to ensure your prospects actually respond to them.

P.S. If you want to know how to write cold emails that fit the formatting and get replies, check out this article 👇


Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become essential for every company that aims to be relevant and competitive in 2023.

There's so much mention of AI, but where does one actually start? Which resources are reliable enough to help you use AI to grow your business?

To save you some time, we gathered top resources that helped thousands of salespeople leverage the power of AI👇

Newsletters that'll give you ready-to-use prompts & showcase the latest AI developments:

Growth Elite

The Rundown AI

The Intelligence Age

YouTube channels that will keep you on the top of hottest AI trends:

Matt Wolfe

AI Andy

Guillaume Moubeche

To get the full list of 20+ best AI resources, check out this article and level up your sales efficiency 👇


Stuck on outreach?

Instead of quitting and missing new opportunities, you can let certified outbound experts boost your reply & conversion rates!

We gathered the world’s top outreach agencies and freelancers under the same roof to help you improve your outreach results.

Here’s how you can grow your business with experts’ help:

1. Go to www.outbound-experts.com

2. Choose your outbound partner or get matched with your best fit

3. Sit back and start booking meetings with 25% of your leads 👇


Take care,

G and the team

De 0 à 20M$ ARR en 5 ans, bootstrappé | Fondateur & CEO @lempire (lemlist, lemwarm, lemcal, taplio, tweethunter)
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