Sales teams

Cold Email Template avec 75% d'ouverture en ciblant des directeurs RH

New contacts reached
Open Rate
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meetings booked

Why it works

The campaign is effective primarily because it addresses specific pain points that HR professionals often face: time management and objective-driven performance reviews. By citing real-world examples and customer testimonials, the campaign establishes credibility right from the start. It employs a multi-channel approach, using LinkedIn and email to maximize reach and engagement. The sequence starts with a personalized email, which serves as a soft introduction, and is followed by value-driven LinkedIn messages and emails that aim to establish credibility and rapport. The campaign also incorporates data from studies and real-world examples to make the case more compelling.

Learning about this campaign

This campaign is designed to engage a very specific Ideal Customer Profile (ICP): HR professionals who are responsible for performance reviews and objective setting. It uses a multi-step, multi-channel outreach strategy to warm up the leads before making the ask for a discussion. The use of customer testimonials and data from studies adds a layer of credibility and urgency that can help break through the noise and capture attention.

When to use it

This campaign is best used for initial outreach to HR professionals who are grappling with the challenges of performance reviews and objective setting. It's designed to build rapport and credibility through multiple touchpoints before moving to the discussion stage.

Who can use it

Sales and marketing professionals aiming to engage HR professionals in companies that are looking to streamline their performance review processes can use this campaign. It's designed to initiate conversations and build relationships, ultimately leading to discussions and potential partnerships.

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Lucas Philippot
Lead Account Executive @lemlist
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