Text Manipulation

Spintax for signatures

From the follow text choose list of text given in the input, select randomly one to output

Remove all quotes from the output.


- "[ADD INPUT 1]"

- "[ADD INPUT 2]"

- "[ADD INPUT 3]"

- "[ADD INPUT 4]"


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Your input

Input 1: ‘Hello, how can I assist you today?’

Input 2: ‘What brings you to our service?’

Input 3: ‘Is there something specific you need help with?’

Input 4: ‘Thank you for choosing us. How may I help?’


Is there something specific you need help with?

How to use it?

Implement a random selection mechanism to choose one text from the list for use in responses or content delivery. This helps keep interactions dynamic and less predictable, enhancing user engagement.

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