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No fluff. No bla-bla. Actionable experts’ outreach tips and proven strategies that get customers.


20 migliori strumenti di verifica email (aggiornamento 2024)

Invio di email a indirizzi non verificati = mancato raggiungimento del pubblico di destinazione. Ecco i migliori strumenti di verifica per assicurarti di aprire nuove opportunità di business.
April 7, 2024
April 19, 2024
Top choice

Messaggi vocali di LinkedIn: come crearli e inviarli in blocco

Ti guideremo nell'invio di un messaggio vocale su LinkedIn, sia manualmente che con il pilota automatico, e ti forniremo i migliori esempi per aumentare i tuoi tassi di risposta!
April 7, 2024
March 19, 2024
Nuovo in lemlist
AI Sales

I 10 migliori software di vendita AI nel 2024 per moltiplicare la produttività

Il tuo elenco definitivo di 10 strumenti di vendita basati sull'intelligenza artificiale per aiutarti ad automatizzare le attività ripetitive, personalizzare il tuo raggio d'azione e aumentare l'efficienza delle vendite.
April 7, 2024
February 19, 2024
Per il team di vendita

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ERP and CRM: What's the difference?

ERP helps companies manage their finances and resources, control costs, and meet production goals. CRM helps companies manage the sales cycle and customer experience. Here is everything you need to know about ERP and CRM, including differences and similarities, key features, and pros and cons.

5 Sales Navigator Chrome Extensions to Build the Perfect Leads List

You're getting the perfect lead list from Sales Navigator. Now you need a top Chrome extension to export them. We'll leave with our favorite 5 Sales Navigator Chrome extensions.
Cold Emailing

100 alternative più efficaci al "Non vedo l'ora di fare affari con te"

Ravviva le chiusure delle tue email con 100 firme uniche! Sostituisci «Non vedo l'ora di sentirti» e aumenta i tassi di risposta.
Sales Strategy

15 Types of Affiliate Marketing Content to Create in 2024 (with examples)

Here are 15 affiliate marketing content ideas to make your followers click on your promo links and make a purchase.
AI Sales

Generate personalized outreach sequence with AI in only 3 steps

In this article, we'll show you 3 simple steps to create an outreach sequence that generates replies X2 faster than your current approach.
Cold Emailing

Sequenza di email di prospezione: metodo 2024 per farlo [con esempi]

Questa guida ti fornirà informazioni sulla definizione della sequenza di email per i prospect, sulle migliori pratiche e suggerimenti pratici su come crearne una nel 2024.
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How to find & recruit top talents with cold outreach

Build a list of verified leads, write and personalize at scale, and send cold emails that hire top talents with lemlist.
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How to find & close leads with cold outreach

Get tips & strategies from 400M+ successful outreach campaigns and boost your business revenue x3.
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How to sign more deals for your clients & grow your outreach agency

Find, contact, and convert clients’ leads and grow your agency’s revenue with proven tactics and templates!
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723+ downloads

5 steps to turn your LinkedIn engagement into booked meetings

Get the framework we followed to book 35 meetings in 30 days, so you can replicate the steps and transform your LinkedIn engagement into cash.
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894+ downloads

20+ cold email templates to book more meetings

Want to write cold emails that stand out? These 20+ successful cold email templates will help you catch your prospect’s attention and book more meetings.
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1367+ downloads

15 sales targeting tactics to boost conversions

Explore top sales signals of prospects’ interest so you can reach out to them at the right time and increase your conversion chances.
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781+ downloads

How to write a follow-up email that gets replies

Still waiting for a reply to your cold emails? In this playbook, you’ll find 7 follow-up email tips & templates to generate replies from prospects who seem to ignore you.
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1016+ downloads

3 steps to define your B2B target audience

Defining your buyer persona is key to creating effective campaigns. Find out how to create it and craft your outreach strategy based on your prospect’s characteristics.
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1300+ downloads

How to write a cold email that gets replies

Whether you want to book meetings with prospects, generate event sign-ups, or find top talent - this playbook will help you write cold emails that actually work.
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2073+ downloads

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Multi-channel Masterclass

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Personal Branding School

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Get 17-30%+ reply rates

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